Got a question for us?

Check out our handy list of FAQs all written and answered by our world-class training team, all specialist healthcare workers with relevant industry currency, still practising in their chosen field.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request an extension?

To apply for the extension:

  1. Log in to your AccessIQ account. Scroll down to your course, and you will see a link to 'Apply for an Extension.'
  2. Click on the link and mention your reason for the extension.
  3. Proceed to the payment section, where the system will guide you through completing the $25 payment.
  4. Once your payment is confirmed, you will have access to your assessment units for an additional 90 days.

Please note: The first 90-day extension is complimentary. For further extensions, a fee applies. For more information, please review our terms and conditions.

What happens if I have not completed my prerequisite before attending the workshop?

If you cannot successfully complete your prerequisite learning before the workshop date, you will need to move to another date or wait for another suitable date to be scheduled. Please note that a workshop move fee may apply.

Also please note your place is not guaranteed while your enrolment is conditional. If the workshop reaches capacity before you successfully complete your prerequisite learning, you will need to select a new date for another workshop.

I cannot attend my workshop. What do I need to do to cancel? Can I get a refund?

If you inform us of your inability to attend the workshop more than 21 days prior to the workshop date, we are happy to waive the cancellation fees. However, if you notify us within 21 days of the workshop, a cancellation fee will apply, which varies depending on the course. For further details, please refer to our Terms and Conditions.

I’m unable to complete my 3rd party report. How do I complete my course

You can get more information on how to complete the 3rd party report component on our website.
Alternatively, we’ll be happy to provide this information on request. 

Does online learning really work?

There’s always a sceptic, and when it comes to online learning, there are often lots of them. Everyone wants to know if online courses “really work”—and that’s a hard question to answer because there are several factors to consider. 

The short answer is yes, online learning can be very effective. However, that depends on whether the courses are delivered by experienced providers and if you can work in a virtual learning environment. If you are not sure, call us on 1300 855 568 and chat with one of our team.

What if I cannot find the course that I am looking for?

Well, that is an easy one, we will build it for you. 

Building a course from scratch always starts with understanding what is needed from the client. From there our expert clinical team, learning designers, digital designers and student experience team weave their magic. There seems to be nothing they cannot build.

How does Benchmarque Group encourage participation from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students?

Over the last 5 years, we estimate that 40% of our client work is partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs), State and Commonwealth agencies, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Health Peak bodies and private organisations with the aim of creating positive learning outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners and Workers cooperatively supporting improved health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Who will deliver and assess my courses?

We only employ the best trainers and assessors to deliver all our courses. Your trainer will be an expert in their field, carry a current AHPRA registered qualification and most importantly, will be working in their field.

Will I have access to people to help me study?

Yes. Our learning either includes a workshop or you have direct access to our education and student experience team.

In-person learning allows for real-time interaction between students and our world-class trainers and assessors. Having contact with an expert, asking questions, gaining feedback, and clearing up misunderstandings are key to learning. Our courses provide students with the opportunity to connect, problem-solve, and network with other students from a wide range of backgrounds. There is no better way to learn.

Why would I do a course with the Benchmarque Group?

When we say we love what we do, we mean it! We feel privileged to deliver some of Australia’s best quality training to our students who represent the very front line of our healthcare system. 

Our courses are evidence-based, skills-focused and industry-endorsed, providing successful students with the opportunity to gain qualifications that can be added immediately to their scope of practice. 

We figure that 35,000 students can’t be wrong!

What if I cannot complete the assessment in the allocated time?

If the entire 12 month period expires and a final assessment has not been submitted, The Benchmarque Group reserves the right to deem the assessment Not Competent and remove the student from the program.

How many times can I submit my assessment?

If you are deemed Not Yet Competent on your first and second assessment submissions, feedback will be provided. It is very important that you read all the feedback provided. The Assessor will have identified any areas where additional evidence is required or any questions that need to be reviewed and resubmitted. If, after 3 unsuccessful submissions, you are unable to demonstrate competency on your assessment, your assessment will be deemed Not Competent. Feedback will be provided to you and what the possible following steps and outcomes are.

How long do I have to complete the assessment?

12 months. The time is calculated from when a student is provided with online access to their assessment. Within the accessIQ platform, students will be provided an initial 6 months to complete and submit all required assessment activities. Friendly email reminders will be sent to students to ensure an assessment is completed on time. At the completion of the 6 month period, students can request up to a maximum of 2 extensions, each extension being for a period of 90 days. If requesting a second extension, the request must be in writing.

If the entire 12 month period expires and a final assessment has not been submitted, The Benchmarque Group reserves the right to deem the assessment Not Competent and remove the student from the program.

What is Continuing Professional Development (CPD)?

Continuing professional development is the means by which members of the clinical profession maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge, expertise and competence, and develop the personal and professional qualities required throughout their professional lives.

The CPD cycle involves reviewing practice, identifying learning needs, planning and participating in relevant learning activities, and reflecting on the value of those activities.

Can you design a course for my organisation?

We have the ability to create a bespoke course, tailored to the needs of your organisation. Whether it be using existing course materials of ours or an entirely new project. Head to our Partnerships page and fill our our Bespoke enquiry form to start the conversation.

What is the difference between accredited and non-accredited courses?

Our accredited courses are all either nationally recognised training courses or contain nationally recognised units of competency. Our non-accredited courses,  while equally important do not carry this recognition.

Who are accessIQ?

accessIQ is our Learning Management System provider. You will purchase and enrol into courses, complete all online learning, view your resources and more through their Learning Console.

Who are Benchmarque Group?

Benchmarque Group is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 21824) delivering a range of clinical skills courses to meet the needs of a broad range of health professionals across Australia. As an RTO working in the health sector, our focus is on the delivery of courses designed to provide healthcare professionals with the opportunity to expand their skills and careers. We concentrate on skills and knowledge that can be immediately implemented in a vocational context. Skills learnt today can be used tomorrow.

Why would my organisation book this a group booking?

Onsite courses offer organisations the opportunity to book and schedule courses to meet the specific needs of their own staff. Onsite courses booked with Benchmarque Group can be contextualised to meet the specific needs of your organisation and can be scheduled for a date and time to best suit your staff.

Onsite courses are often used as an opportunity to create whole of organisation change in managing certain clinical procedures, screening activities and outcomes.

How do I make a group booking for a course?

If your organisation is interested in making a group booking, we would love to hear from you! Click on 'Book a Group' on the right menu panel of the course page or head to our Partnerships page.

What do I receive at the completion of my course?

Depending on the course you will receive either a Statement of Attainment, Certificate of Attendance, Certificate of Completion or a digital badge.

How do I complete my third party report?

Third-party reports can be completed within your workplace with the observation by a peer at the same level as you or above.  Or it could be completed in a simulated environment, where you demonstrate your skills to a colleague or peer who is experienced in wound closure, using simulated suturing pads or products similar to those used in the workshop you attended.

How many CPD hours will I achieve for completing a course?

As a general guide, one hour of active learning equates to one hour of CPD. It is the responsibility of the individual student to calculate how many hours of active learning have been completed. The hours of active learning estimated above should act as a guide to CPD hours.

For all other health professionals completing this program, your continuing professional development (CPD) requirements may vary and it is important to remember that it is your responsibility to maintain and register CPD with your professional body. In many instances, your regulatory authority will recognise hours of learning as stated above.

Is there a fee if I want to change my workshop date?

To move your workshop date, you will be required to pay a non-refundable fee. Please choose your workshop carefully as it is a requirement that your pre-requisite learning is completed and assessed before you can attend your scheduled workshop. If you do not complete your pre-requisite learning in time for the workshop, you may be required to pay further fee(s) to reschedule. You can view a break down of fees in our Terms and Conditions.

Can‘t see what you‘re looking for?

Give us a call, shoot us an email or complete the form below and our Student Experience Team will be in touch.

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