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Vision &

Quality patient care and outcomes

Our enduring purpose is to increase equity and drive positive and high-quality health outcomes in the community.

Our vision is to design and deliver industry-leading, accredited practical skills-based learning courses for the primary health workforce. We focus on building workforce capability and supporting healthcare professionals to expand their scope of practice and build careers while delivering quality patient care and outcomes.

We estimate that close to fifty percent of our client's work is partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs), State and Commonwealth agencies, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Peak bodies and private organisations to create positive learning outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners and Workers cooperatively supporting improved health outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

We work with clients with whom we share a common intent for good.

We are driven by our values of Respect, Inclusion, Excellence, Passion, Support and Personality and we demonstrate our values through the ways we treat each other, create a safe space, and listen and learn.

Our values

We bring together diverse perspectives, life experiences, backgrounds and currency in the healthcare industry.

We are trusted by a range of industry leaders in Federal Health, Jurisdictional Health, Primary Healthcare Networks, Community Controlled Health Organisations and Industry Peak Bodies and private organisations to develop and deliver meaningful outcomes that impact practice and impact communities

Meet the founders

Kath Sutherland

General Manager

I am Kath, co-owner and General Manager at Benchmarque Group. Big sister to Drew and so we all know what that means!!

I come from a background in capability, learning and organisational development so love working with people, in projects, learning design and behavioural learning that helps shape human experience in healthcare and create workplaces that are patient-centred and inclusive.

Outside of work, you’ll find me at a music gig, festival, game of soccer or with family and friends.

Drew Sutherland

Chief Executive Officer

I am Drew, the founder, co-owner and CEO of Benchmarque Group. I am an only child and have no idea what Kath is talking about.

When I started Benchmarque Group back in 2007, the vision was always to create a business that delivered the best possible outcomes for our students. All these years later, I still absolutely love working with our clients to build courses from scratch that deliver the skills and knowledge to change behaviour.

Outside of work, I love hanging out with my kids and family and enjoy the odd adventurous holiday and a stupid haircut.

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